Saturday, October 17, 2020

Family friendly

A number of news stories reflect the concern that some have about Thanksgiving Dinner and will it erupt into a family quarrel. The way to avoid this is to discuss policy and not personality. You can tell your pro choice friend that you oppose abortion because you believe that life begins at conception and you see the fetus as a future human being. You do not call him a baby killer. People who would never personally insult a friend seem to lose it when it comes to certain things. You can differ on policies like immigration and taxes but don't say your friend is a cultist. In today's vernacular that is a pejorative meaning they don't have the intellect or wisdom to discern truth. If you stick to issues you can disagree without being disagreeable but when you talk personalities you open the door to insults. If some politicians resort to name calling just take the high road and talk issues.

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