Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pension fund

Our government at work. The republicans propose $1.8 trillion in Covid stimulus and the democrats propose $2.2 trillion and they fiddle while Rome burns. Republicans are concerned that some of the funds will be used to shore up state pension funds. The democrats have set aside $300 billion to help states but say the money will not be used for pensions. The state pension funds are $1.2 trillion in the hole and the state teachers funds are $400 billion in the red so even if they used the whole $300 billion it would still leave some states in trouble. The Illinois fund is one of the worst offenders at $120 billion in debt while the neighboring state of Wisconsin has a fully funded pension. States that have been responsible will receive no pension help but those which have been careless will get help. This happens frequently when government hands out benefits as they often promote equal results.

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