Sunday, October 11, 2020

Who is racist

The word racist has been used extensively to cast aspersions on people and calling Trump a racist is no exemption. Following the old adage of actions speak louder than words, Trumps record defies the claim of racist. Trump is for immigration based on merit which means the most new immigrants will come from Asia and in particular India where the people are not Caucasian. Trump has a son-in-law and grandchildren who are Jewish. He has cut off funds to the Palestinians and moved the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem. He has introduced opportunity zones into inner cities to promote and build Black business. He signed the First Step Act which removes the bias against incarcerated Blacks. He signed new legislation that sends $250 million dollars per year to historical Black colleges. Trump set up the Hispanic Prosperity initiative to promote all aspects of Hispanic American lives especially in education. Trump Enterprises have a majority of Hispanic employees. Unemployment in all groups was brought to the lowest levels. The press has ignored all of his actions and concentrated on his words.

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