Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trump plans

If the election were held today, I would vote for Trump and here is why. Placing import taxes on China like they tax our exports Bring jobs home from China especially medical supplies Placing import taxes on Europe until the lower tax on our products Emphasizing job creation instead of public assistance Placing equal opportunity ahead of equal results Supporting the new NAFTA policy with Mexico and Canada Staying out of the Paris Accords Staying out of the TPP Keeping financial pressure in Iran Moving the embassy to Jerusalem Agreement between Arab countries and Israel Keep fracking as it lowers utility cost along with gasoline cost Fracking has made the US energy independent and allows for exports of oil and gas Keep the Trump tax cuts Reduce regulations Regulate border crossings Promote legal immigration based on merit Strong military Back police with proper funding Opportunity zones in the cities to help black business Increased funding for black colleges Continuing criminal justice reform Allowing Vets to go to public hospitals Getting NATO countries and UN countries to pay their fair share Bringing troops home from around the world

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