Wednesday, July 31, 2024


When Biden was elected he indicated to aides that he would be a transitional president who would pass the torch to a new generation but those with power rarely give it up voluntarily. As time passed he became committed to a second term saying he had to save democracy. As his poll numbers fell the pressure begin to build for him to follow in the steps of LBJ and not run but he stubbornly refused. When his approvals dropped into the 30's the power brokers sounded the alarm bells and when polls showed that the majority of democrats wanted Joe to quit the second term looked untenable but Joe did not want to give up the throne. Then when the down ballots candidates were jeopardized and the money dried up the big guns like Pelosi, Schumer and Obama came to call and Joe could see the writing on the wall and dropped out. Then the press came to the rescue saying it was rare that someone would willingly give up power but Joe did so because he put country ahead of himself. He was greeted as a genuine hero in the likes of Washington. Some people now realize that if Joe had refused to debate Trump saying he would not be on the same stage with a liar who would put Blacks in chains the whole story might have ended differently and Joe would still be the nominee.

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