Monday, July 8, 2024


In looking at the Trump possible VP choice each has their points. Senator JD Vance of Ohio is an Iraq War Vet who has a law degree from Yale. He co founded a Venture Capital firm and made several millions so he has some administrative experience. He was raised mostly by his grandparents and is only 40 years old. Doug Burgum second term governor of North Dakota and a self made millionaire so he has administrative experience in government and private industry. He is 67 and would be 71 if he wanted to replace Trump. North Dakota is solidly republican so he doesn't bring and important state like Vance from Ohio. Many young voters are looking for a generation change. Ron DeSantis is a second term governor from Florida who was a candidate for president so he has been vetted and has administrative experience. He is a veteran with a law degree from Harvard. He is 45 years old and would be a good contender to replace Trump in 2028. He is also Hispanic which helps.

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