Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wind and solar

It is more than a little disconcerting that some politicians and bureaucrats seem uninformed about the Green New Deal. They appear to be in the dark about the environmental hazards inherent in the mining, processing and disposal of the materials needed for wind, solar and EV's. They fail to understand the technical problems associated with using batteries for airplanes and heavy equipment. This was brought into the public eye when Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm suggested that military tanks could run on batteries. They seem unaware that both wind and solar are intermittent power sources that need backup and that they need many miles of transmission towers to bring the power from the source to the use point. In the last 20 years the world has invested $175 billion dollars in wind and solar and the amount of energy produced from fossil fuels has decreased from 85% to 81%. The problem is the overall energy requirements are rising faster than the production of new energy.

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