Tuesday, July 9, 2024


The term Woke has become part of the current vernacular but many people question if it is a real thing and if so what does it mean. Wokeism says that men can play on women's teams. It says that children can have sex operations without parental knowledge. It says abortions are OK anytime for any reason. It says it's OK to tear down statues or rename buildings and streets if they disagree with values of those people. It's OK for teachers to withhold information from parents about the students. It's OK for equal results and push things like participation trophy's. It's OK for drag queens to dance in elementary schools. It's OK to cancel people with whom you disagree. It's OK to shut down speech that is deemed misinformation. It's OK to teach about the mistakes made by Americans without teaching the actions taken to correct those mistakes. It's OK to have only public schools and no charter schools. It's OK to vote without voter ID. There is nothing inherently wrong with having any or all of these beliefs but it becomes problematic when others are asked or forced to believe. If you disagree on the abortion issue then it is not helpful to say that you are right and the other person is wrong. It is best to listen carefully to the other side of the issue and if you still disagree then agree to disagree but do not insult or ridicule the other side. This holds true for any disagreement. It is civilized behavior to recognize that not everyone thinks like you do and if they don't it doesn't mean they don't like you. What is right and what is wrong changes overtime. Be willing to change when new information becomes available. If the doctor says you are pre-diabetic then it would be wise to watch your diet.

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