Tuesday, July 9, 2013

single issue voter

When the subjects of gun control or abortion come up, people often refer to these as single issue voters. These people are so wrapped up in one particular subject that they will overlook the other issues. I have a personal experience that illustrates this idea to the extreme. I had a friend who was the head of the Philosophy Department at UND who decided to run for state representative. He asked me if I would be on his campaign, not because I was politically astute but he needed someone to get donors and he didn’t like to ask people for money. It is ironic in one way, since he didn’t mind asking for their vote? This guy was very liberal and I quickly found out that his single issue was world disarmament as we were still involved in the cold war. I told him that while I felt disarmament was important that it is an unlikely goal for a state representative from North Dakota. With that we parted ways. He did not win the election but in the early 90’s he retired and moved to a cabin in the woods in Wisconsin to carry on his fight for disarmament. He retired in his early 60’s and was in good health but the cold war ended shortly after he retired and a year later he died. I always felt he died because his purpose for living died. No that is what I call a single issue guy.

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