Friday, July 26, 2013


I was not interested in the Zimmerman trial but in the aftermath I find some things very strange. To begin with the local DA did not want to arrest Zimmerman because she felt there was not enough evidence to get a conviction. Then after several months of public outcry she arrested him and in her zeal to show she was fair she over charged with second degree murder. Late in the trail seeing the verdict going against them the DA’s office added a lesser charge of manslaughter but it was too little, too late. Now one of the jury members has publically stated that she wanted a conviction but the law got in the way and she was forced to acquit. She says this will bother her for the rest of her life because a man guilty of murder was allowed to go free. During the trial the DA attorneys pointed out that this was not a racial crime, yet all the Monday morning quarterbacks say it was racial. The DA pointed out that this trial had nothing to do with the stand your ground law yet the same quarterbacks are now demonstrating across the country against stand your ground. This is just another example of people not letting the facts get in their way. It reminds me of the time that Al Sharpton stood on the steps in New York defending a poor young black girl who was raped by a white man and when she later recanted, Sharpton said it doesn’t matter that she lied because we know this kind of thing goes on all the time. Al is not the kind of guy that would let the facts of the case deter him from his goal.

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