Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welfare a way of life

One of the reasons I voted for Bill Clinton was him saying that welfare should be a helping hand and not a way of life. When someone loses their job because of a layoff or downsizing or accident or illness they need help and that is why we have a safety net that provides the helping hand of unemployment benefits. If a 16 year old girl has a baby and her mother had her when she was 16 and grandma had mom when she was 16 and we end up with 40 years on welfare is that a helping hand or a way of life. If my employer deducts the money for my salary and the money going into my pension and the money for my health insurance and I deduct the interest on my mortgage and I get tax credits for making home improvements and I deduct my IRA and the government pays for three fifths of my education is that a helping hand or a way of life. My friend is a farmer and he deducts the cost of his equipment, the cost of seed, fertilizer, fuel, herbicides, pesticides and the government pays him not go grow crops. Is that a helping hand or a way of life. I believe that the income tax system is one way that government help leads to a way of life. With the recent scandals with the IRS, perhaps it’s time to quit worrying about the girl on welfare and start doing something about our tax system. The IRS is a perfect example of the old adage that power corrupts.

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