Monday, May 12, 2014

Climate change

Proponents of global warming have finally found their home. Global warming went by the way side when the temperatures stopped rising and so the new name became climate change but that didn’t really catch hold but now they are on a roll. Every time we have a storm or a fire or a flood it will be because of climate change and that is a fact. As The President says, the debate is over when it comes to climate change as every day we see examples of climate change. An old Minnesotan I know realized many years ago when he said if you don’t like the weather just wait a while and it will change. Changes in climate caused by the burning of fossil fuels is a long term problem that will be dealt with but to use any storm as a reason to push for wind and solar is a mistake. While wind and solar may be good for certain groups, those who are in the circle of government handing out money and they in return giving money back to certain candidates and causes , it is not the long term solution. It merely diverts attention away from the real solution and that is going from coal to oil to natural gas and finally to hydrogen. When an issue becomes politicized as this one has, logic goes out the window taking science with it.

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