Friday, May 30, 2014


The President is often criticized for not going to the aid of the Syrian rebels like he did in Libya but I think it more appropriate to compare Obama’s approach to Libya with his views on Iraq. He said in his recent speech that force should only be used when we have allies which he had in Libya even though he acted without congressional approval. When Bush went into Iraq he had 30 allies and congressional approval. In both cases they worked through NATO. New subject: The news about The Ukraine seems to have forgotten about the US promise to Ukraine that if they gave up their nuclear weapons we would protect their borders. A deal was signed on February 5, 1994, by Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, John Major and Leonid Kuchma—the then-leaders of the United States, Russia, United Kingdom and Ukraine—guaranteeing the security of Ukraine in exchange for the return of its ICBMs to Moscow's control. Russia marched in and took Crimea and didn’t suffer any consequences which tells the world that our agreements are not worth the paper they are printed on.

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