Monday, May 5, 2014


The infamous Watergate Scandal began in June of 1972 but the press did not pay much attention to it. Two reporters from the Washington Post continued their search for information but five months later then President Nixon was re-elected defeating McGovern by the electoral vote of 520 to 17. While the Democrats tried to make Watergate an issue the Republicans laughed it off as election year politics. In retrospect many experts conclude that if it hadn’t been for the Oval Office tapes Nixon would never have been caught. This is reminiscent of Clinton and the blue dress. As the democrats are now laughing off the Benghazi affair as election year political posturing, the real truth will be left unsaid unless another tape or blue dress shows up. As a point of interest the two reporters got most of their information from an anonymous single source who was known as “Deep Throat”. Most editors will not go with a single source let alone an anonymous one.

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