Sunday, May 11, 2014


Recent revelations by Monica Lewinsky, have stirred up memories of the Clinton affair. Between November of 1995 and March of 1997 Lewinski had nine sexual encounters with then President Clinton. White house officials suspected something and in 1996 transferred Lewinski to the pentagon. It was here that she confided in a friend, Linda Trip and Trip started to record conversations with Lewinski about the affair. When investigations regarding Clinton and other women came to light, Lewinski submitted an affidavit denying any relationship with Clinton. Many feel the whole affair might have died at this point but a special prosecutor had been appointed to investigate a series of activities carried on by Mrs. Clinton and the Lewinski affair was added to the list. The White House had been using the strategy of “nuts or sluts” and it was working. As each new woman came forth they were crucified with the help of a willing press and women’s group sat silently by. Talking heads and liberal politicians were calling it a witch hunt and most agreed that there was no there, there. The press finally broke the story in January of 1998 and the drum beat of witch hunt continued until the smoking gun in the form of the blue dress came to light and then the whole argument shifted to what it still is today. It became part of the Clinton legacy and it basically said that what a man does in his private life is of no concern so long as he gets the job done. This was a sure winner since many in the new media fall into this category. The good old boys can always be counted on to stick together. This whole procedure was similar to what happened to Richard Nixon in Watergate. Denial, put off, stall coupled with outright lies and in time things will all go away and they would have if it had not been for the tapes. The Obama people are using the same procedures and it will work even better today since partisanship is more prevalent. Those for and against will back their side no matter what the evidence shows and nothing will be resolved unless the smoking gun appears. I’m beginning to believe that even the smoking gun would not make any difference.

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