Monday, June 9, 2014


For more than ten years certain members of congress tried to pass what is called the Dream Act. This would allow certain illegal immigrants to receive a heads up toward eventual citizenship by providing permanent residency. It could not pass the senate so in June of 2012 The President passed his own version. After years of getting nowhere with the DREAM Act, President Obama has decided to pass a version of it on his own. Obama and Janet Napolitano will announce today that, according to new Homeland Security policy, certain young-ish illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors will no longer face the threat of deportation and can apply for a documentation that would allow them to work in the United States. His next move was to stop deportation and now he is releasing illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes. If illegals are allowed to stay here without fear of deportation or charged with criminal activities it becomes de-facto amnesty. Until 2/3rds of both houses are willing to oppose the president he has a free hand. There is one area where the majority of both parties should take action and that involves the thousands of children who made their way across Mexico from Central America and ended up on our borders. These children should be given asylum and the proper care to grow up healthy. They left their families because the countries they come from are drug infested slums and they need help.

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