Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Obama power

The Republicans keep saying that President Obama is breaking the law and the question arises as to what they are doing about it. The answer to this is a real eye opener and deals with presidential power. In the most recent example of the failure to give 30 days notice to congress before releasing any prisoners from Guantanamo, The President is using the same logic he used when challenged in the past. He says the statutes passed by congress are unconstitutional and says the courts will side with him since disputes between the executive branch and the legislative branch must be adjudicated by the Supreme Court. If some months down the road the Court rules against The President, he will say OK I was wrong but the deed is done and you can’t undo it. I think now that he has used this approach on a number of occasions he will use it more and more. The President himself has referred to such actions when he said, if congress doesn’t act I have a pen and phone and I will act.

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