Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Walk the talk

There is an old adage, walk the talk, meaning that talk is cheap but getting the job done says you know what you are talking about. One of the persistent themes in President Obama’s speeches is the middle class and the increasing disparities between the rich and the poor. When he speaks on these subjects the people literally swoon into his outstretched arms but what has happened. When The President says the cost of electricity will necessarily skyrocket that hurts the middle class. When refusing to open government lands to drilling and the price of home heating oil and gasoline rise that hurts the middle class. When taking water from California farmers to save a small fish causes the price of vegetables to rise that hurts the middle class. When The President allowed the payroll tax to increase from 4.2% to 6.2%, that hurt the middle class. When illegal immigrants enter the country that puts downward pressure on wages and that hurts the middle class. When the government increases taxes on cigarettes, that hurts the middle class. When the down payment on a home is increased, that hurts the middle class. When student loan debt increases that hurts the middle class. When you pay fast food employees more this will raise prices and that is a transfer of wealth from the middle class to those earning less than the middle class. When fewer people are working today than six years ago, that hurts the middle class. When people have unemployment checks instead of pay checks, that hurts the middle class. These discrepancies between talk and walk are particularly acute in the black community where unemployment is twice the national rate, where income differences are exaggerated, where the drop-out rate, the drug use, the crime rate including that half of all homicides are black on black, the single parent rate, home ownership rate and test scores all show an underclass. Yet these people enthralled by the talk support The President with 95% of their vote. While all of this is going on the government support of the big banks by printing money has made the rich, richer and added to the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Another old adage says you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time but Obama is getting close. The most amazing thing about all of this is that none of it is the fault of The President.

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