Thursday, June 12, 2014

Shia vs Sunni

The leader of the newest terror group in Iraq is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and he was imprisoned by the Americans in Iraq until his release in 2009. With his leadership skills and his dislike for America he took a ragtag group of fellow terrorist and turned them into a fighting machine and he is now threatening the security of Iraq. When he took the city of Mosel he came into millions of dollars and can now use that to pay more mercenaries and buy more equipment. He will soon form an alliance with the Kurds and have access to the oil in northern Iraq and this will bring in more money. The Kurds have long wanted their own state and this may be their chance to break away from Baghdad. This is just one more example of how using the animosity between Sunni and Shia Muslims to promote a political agenda can be effective.

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