Monday, June 23, 2014


In 1997 nations of the world met in Kyoto, Japan to reach an agreement to lower Green House Gases (GHG) but they wanted to exempt China and India since those countries announced they would not go along with the idea. President Clinton played up to the environmentalist by saying he would sign but he knew that all treaties had to be approved by a two-thirds vote in the senate and the senate would not approve. They voted against it 95 to 0. Since that time fracking has increased the supply of natural gas and it has replaced coal in power plants and home heating oil and the GHG are now below the requirements put forth in the Kyoto Protocol. The result is that the emissions from fossil fuels are below 1997 levels as is the price. This trend will continue until all coal fired power plants are either closed or changed over to natural gas. The reason for these changes is that it makes sense environmentally and economically. The goal is to move from coal to oil to natural gas and eventually to hydrogen and do this around the world. The United States is blessed with enough oil and natural gas to move the entire world in this direction and in the process to stimulate our economy and become energy independent.

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