Monday, December 7, 2015


A famous quote says, power corrupts and this has proven to be true. One of the early examples was the Church of Rome and today we see what has happened to big cities which have operated under one party control for all too long. The liberals who lead these cities, combined with the power of unions have slowly and methodically corrupted the system. The recent revelations about the police are just the latest manifestation of this downward spiral. Chicago is the poster boy for this mess and gang violence combined with underfunded pension plans, the performance spread between white and students of color, the herding of low income people into the reservation type projects represents the latest in a string of crises. The Mayor recently announced the largest tax increase in the city’s history under the misguided concept that spending more money will solve the problem. This tax and spend policy is going on in big cities around the country and it will not change until there is a change in the leadership and that is not likely. The citizens of these cities, the majority of who are low wage minorities, have been convinced that the local government will take care of them, despite years of not doing so. It is even reflected in national polls that show that our black citizens roundly support President Obama even though things have gotten worse for them. While mostly white middle and upper income people have been benefiting from the recent job growth, those living in the inner cities have lost ground. Their unemployment is more than twice the national rate and their families have been torn apart.

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