Monday, December 21, 2015

Ethan Couch

The case of Ethan Couch is interesting as it relates to some of the complaints from blacks about the unfairness of our justice system. For those of you not familiar with the case, this young man at age 16 was driving drunk and killed four people. He comes from a wealthy family and his lawyer presented a case based on affluenza. This is a new term which describes a young person spoiled to the point where he thought he was above the law. The lawyer was very persuasive and the jury convicted the young man and he got 10 years probation. Now picture if you will a young black kid in North Minneapolis driving drunk and killing four people and try to imagine him getting probation. Not likely! The latest word is that the Ethan and his mother have disappeared and believed to be out of the country. Who knows what’s going on there.

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