Sunday, December 13, 2015

Paris meeting

On President Obama’s inaugural tour of Europe he said that America was arrogant. "there have been times where America's shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" America is once again showing it’s arrogance by praising the recent environmental meeting in Paris. Lest we forget the western world went through the industrial revolution between 1750 and 1850 and it was done by using coal. Now we have countries in Africa and Asia that are going through their version of the industrial revolution and we point out to them how we have made improvements by switching to natural gas. If the true intention of this meeting was to confront the problem of global warming the whole thing would have centered around moving away from coal and onto oil and finally natural gas, but this is not what is going on. The purpose of this meeting was to transfer money from the developed world to the developing world and they succeeded with a promise of 100 billion dollars a year. Of this amount only 10 billion has been pledged and 3 billion of that is coming from the US. Another problem with transferring money to developing countries is that all too often the money is siphoned off and ends up in the hands of some unscrupulous leader. The President will not be depending on the senate to ratify this agreement as a treaty since that takes 67 votes and the last time this was tried was with the 1997 Kyoto protocol. A senate vote on the protocol was defeated 95 to 0 so the treaty was out. I find it interesting that the President says the Republican controlled senate will not pass this agreement when in fact the last time not one Democrat voted in favor.

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