Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gun control

The issue of gun control comes to the forefront each time there is a shooting incident but nothing much ever happens. As a boy I had a shotgun and enjoyed the times I went hunting for rabbits, squirrels and quail and so I have nothing against guns but I am against the misuse of guns. Most agree that it is too late to ban guns even if it were possible since there are an estimate 300 million guns in the country. To try and confiscate those would be an impossible task. In order to get a better picture of the situation, imagine that there was no second amendment and there were no guns in the country. They were banned from day one. Anyone found with a gun would under arrest and charged with a felony. Would this eliminate the problem? Well, we have similar situations that we deal with on a regular basis. Drugs like heroin, cocaine and meth are and have been illegal for many years, yet the country is over flowing with these illegal substances. I would guess that if all guns were illegal, the criminals would still have guns. We could have a war on guns just like the war on drugs but it would likely not eliminate the problem of criminals having guns. The net result is that talking about gun control allows the people in power to appear to be doing something but in reality it just permits them to avoid looking at other solutions and when all the dust settles, nothing changes.

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