Sunday, November 6, 2016


The preliminaries are over and it is time for the main event. In the red corner weighing in at 500 pound is Hilary surrounded by her team consisting of the national press, the big money donors, the big banks and Wall Street plus the 30% of Americans who are college graduates. In the blue corner we have weighing in at 100 pounds, Bubba. It is David verses Goliath. Hilary represents the establishment, the in crowd, the big money crowd and the crowd with influence. These are the people who run the country, the people who promise every four years to take care of the middle class. They are the Lucy’s who keep pulling the football away from Bubba. For 45 years Bubba and his clan have watched their wages stagnate while families with one working member grew into two working families. All the while the rich got richer and the gap today is greater that it has ever been. Will Bubba, the guy who never answers the pollsters including exit polling, come out and vote in numbers large enough to make difference? Will he overlook the crude, rude talk, the wild accusations, the obvious lies, the politically incorrectness taken to extreme and go for the slim hope that something might change? Will he drain the swamp!

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