Thursday, November 24, 2016

Media guards

The election of Trump will get the media back on track. It is the job of the media to be tough on all government officials, elected or appointed, and they have been derelict in their duties. With Trump in the White House perhaps they will once again become the watchdogs of our Republic. We don’t need the Supreme Court to tie up their time deciding whether Trump’s holdings represent a conflict of interest, we just need the press to do their job and investigate any claims. My guess is that they will be on top of this. My feelings about government can best be understood by the way I reacted to my friends when I lived in the south. When a guy came up to me and said John, you’re a college boy so you know a lot more than I do, I immediately started backing up. When the government man tells me not to worry, I start backing up. I have said that while the free market is the best economic system we must always look out for corruption and the free press is our guard, as long as they do their job.

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