Friday, September 21, 2018


The Mueller investigation into Russian collusion in the election has opened the door to a number of differing opinions on what is going on but setting aside the current situation it has revealed an apparent weakness in the constitution. If there comes a time when the country has a corrupt Attorney General there seems to be no way to deal with such a situation. Any misuse of power in the FBI or the Department of Justice can be covered up by saying information must be kept secret either because there is an ongoing investigation or for national security reasons. Just in the news today about the current battle declassifying documents is the following: Four top Democratic lawmakers are demanding that no Russia-probe documents be released in compliance with President Donald Trump’s order until the director of national intelligence and the heads of the FBI and the Justice Department meet with the “Gang of Eight.” If that holds then the ball is back in the hands of the FBI and they will continue to investigate themselves and even the president cannot interfere.

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