Thursday, September 6, 2018

War on Trump

When George Wallace ran for president in 1968 he caught the attention of many Americans when he said there is not a dimes worth of difference between republicans and democrats. He got 13% of the vote and helped Nixon defeat Humphrey. Again in 1992 when Ross Perot ran as an independent he captured those same voters and more when he got 19% of the vote and helped Clinton defeat Bush 41. Many voters have been unhappy with the way government is run but no independent could break the hold that the system has given to the two major parties. Many believe that Trump is the equivalent of a third party candidate and if you get past his personality quirks this becomes clear. He is an outsider beholden to no particular ideology. He is what many thought a third party guy like Perot might be, a self made billionaire who would shake up the establishment. All the experts who have spent their lives learning the system are not happy with some neophyte coming in and disrupting their fiefdoms. When Trump announced he was going to cut the staff in the State Department by a third, were they OK with that or did they feel they must retaliate against anyone trying to eliminate their jobs. The Washington insiders are going to band together to protect their turf and oppose Trump at every turn. They will avoid talking issues and use his behavior as the means to bring him down. The insiders include members of both parties, government employees and the national press. The battle is on but the war has not yet been won.

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