Saturday, September 29, 2018

Electric cars

The best way to deal with climate change is multifaceted and involves solar, wind, and natural gas. Solar panels can be used to pay for home electric use. They cost about $20,000 and have a 12 year payback. This means no more electric bill and the use of an electric car for work while sending no carbon dioxide into the air. The downside is that only fairly wealthy people can afford this. Other uses of electric cars at this time is self defeating. To charge the batteries means using electricity produced at power plants most of which are using coal. Those using natural gas are better but as any physicist knows when ever you change from one source of energy to another you lose efficiency so it better to put natural gas into the car than to use natural gas to make electricity and then put that into the car. The government still insist on pushing electric cars instead of cars running on natural gas and most of this push comes from those invested in electric cars. Tesla is only there because of government support. Last year out of 18 million cars sold in the US only 200,000 were electric. The government subsidized and average of $10,000 per electric car and most of this when to the wealthy.

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