Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mueller investigation

In 1978 the FISA court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) was established to protect against spies. Since its inception 99.97% of all request to the court have been granted. The warrants are used to gather evidence from agents of foreign governments. Once granted the government can monitor any and all correspondence for anyone contacted by the source. They can then monitor all info from the persons contacted by the source and so on to their contacts. There is no need to show probable cause only that this person is in contact with foreign agents. Carter Page was a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign and a warrant was issued to monitor his correspondence. This information was passed on to Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Trump maintains that this was the start of the Russia collusion investigation but the government says this started with a man named George Papadopoulos who worked for the Trump campaign for three months starting in December of 2015. He was in a bar one night and told a Australian diplomat that Russia had info on Hilary that could be used against her. No such dirt was ever uncovered. This was the beginning of what has become the Mueller investigation.

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