Saturday, September 15, 2018

Muslim employees

There is a pending case in Wisconsin where Muslim employees were refused time to pray. The law says: Once a case is litigated, courts have established a two-part test for addressing Title VII claims. First, the plaintiff must demonstrate a prima facie case of religious discrimination. In order to establish the prima facie case, the plaintiff must: (1) hold a sincere religious belief; (2) take steps to inform the employer about the conflict; and (3) be disciplined by the employer for failing to comply with some conflicting requirement.13 At one time in my career, I managed a poultry processing plant where we had 75 employees on the line and we had USDA inspectors in the plant. If the line was short one person the inspector could shut down the whole line until it was properly manned. If one Muslim worker stepped off the line to pray the entire line shut down. The company could have additional employees on stand by to replace anyone who wanted to pray but this would be an additional cost and then open the door for other employee to step away from the line for other personal business.

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