Saturday, July 27, 2019

Believe and achieve

Science fiction writers are often ahead of their time. Even Dick Tracy's two way radio wrist watch was considered a pipe dream in my youth. The possibilities of the human mind are not understood but some say are limitless. Dr. Norman Vincent Peal said what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. Every man made object in the world today was at one time just an idea in someone's head. The stumbling block for most is in the believing part. According to Dr. Peal a man could move from one location to another just by thinking it so but to most the laws of physics supersede the belief system and such ideas are cast aside without any further thought. Throughout history there have been unexplained phenomenon. It is common to refer to such things as miracles but that is because the laws of physics cannot explain them. When you think of the progress that has been made in just the time since this country was founded let your imagination roam and think of what lies ahead. Suppose there is intelligent life on other planets in the cosmos and some of these are millions or perhaps billions of years older than earth. What powers have these minds developed. Have they long ago overcome the laws of physics and are performing feats that seem all but impossible to us here on earth. Perhaps they can visit us without using the normal means of transportation so that time and space no longer limit their movement.

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