Friday, July 19, 2019

Better red

During the early years of the cold war, Khrushchev bragged that communism would outlast capitalism. The goals of equality would win out over the winners and losers that the free market was breeding. Many people around the globe were falling under the spell of this egalitarian view of a world wide middle class. Here in the US, communism was gaining in popularity and the phrase better red than dead meant that it was better to share the wealth than to risk war. It was common to point out the many problems in the US especially in the areas of race and income inequality and how communism would minimize and even eliminate these scars. During the 80's many people were fearful that Reagan would start a war and were more comfortable with Gorbachev. When the wall came down some of these people found new homes in the environmental movement and many remain there today. They blame the US for climate change even though the US is leading the green way. Some of the fringe in this group end up blaming the US for all sorts of unrelated problems.

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