Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Tax and spend

Back in the FDR administration a close adviser Harry Hopkins said, tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend, elect, elect, elect. This later morphed in to tax and spend and this is the reputation that has followed democrats ever since. They did succeed in dropping the elect. This policy is in the forefront of today's democratic party. We have raising the income tax, increasing payroll tax, value added tax, gas tax, wealth tax, financial transaction tax, estate tax, surtax on incomes over $150,000, tax on drug companies, marijuana tax, raising capital gains tax, a war tax to help Vets, taxing off shore money and carbon tax. On the spending side we have $1,000 per month to every adult, free college tuition, pay off student debt, free healthcare, increase child tax credit to $3,600, $4,800 tax credit for renters, increase the earned income tax credit from $6,500 to $8,000, tax credits for job training, $2,000 tax credit for teachers, increase child care benefit to $6,000, democracy dollars for you favorite candidate, $6,000 tax credit to families earning less than $100,000, $3,000 tax credit to working family care givers and removing tax on social security benefits.

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