Friday, July 5, 2019

Iran bomb

The United States helped Iran start their nuclear program in the 1950's to build nuke power plants. In 1970 Iran signed the nuclear non proliferation treaty. Since that time they have been enriching uranium for power plant usage. In the 1990's Iran received tech help from Russia with their nuke program. After more than 20 years they have one nuke power plant with two more on the way. In 2000 it was reported that Iran was trying to further enrich uranium to use in weapons. In 2006 the UN demanded that Iran stop its nuke program. In 2011 the UN revealed that Iran had been working on a bomb since 2003. It takes less than 50 pounds of enriched uranium to build a bomb and they have been unable to do that in 16 years and thus it can be concluded that they are not trying to build a bomb. They are and have been using the threat to get various concessions and up until recently it has worked.

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