Tuesday, September 24, 2019


I just finished a book about divergence. In the current vernacular it means thinking outside of the box. The author points out how difficult it is to go against the grain, to be different, to stand alone against the crowd. This can be illustrated by listening to a typical semi-serious conversation and what you hear by reading between the lines is, why can't you be more like me. People like to be in a room where others think like they do. People often read news reports not to expand their knowledge but to confirm what they already think. Conservatives listen to Rush Limbaugh and liberals tune in to CNN. If someone does not conform to the norm they are subject to suspicion at best and ridicule at worst. Often times lies are made up about their words or behavior and they suffer accordingly. The author regrets the social forces that act against divergence feeling that new ways of thinking and doing things can bring progress.

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