Monday, September 2, 2019

Millionaires and up

The world's richest one percent, those with more than one million in net worth own 45% of the world's wealth, which last year was $317 trillion. If this were shared equally among the world's 7.5 billion people each person would get $42,000. What would most people do with the money. Would they start new business and hire people. If the rich lost their money would they go out of business. Rich and poor only have three options with their money. They can spend it, save it or invest it. The rich have most of their money invested earning more money. The poor spend most of their money and those in between try to save a little. Do billionaires get up each day thinking of what they can buy next. Surveys show the these super rich have the best that money can buy but they spend most of their time working.

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