Sunday, September 29, 2019

Trump visit

Minneapolis, like many large cities has been a democratic stronghold for years and the police department is part of the city. The police like many groups were partial to labor and thus leaned toward the democrats. A few years ago this began to change and more recently the police have started to move away from democratic control. In the past when presidents came to town off duty police were encouraged to attend, wearing their uniforms but that has now changed. For the upcoming visit by President Trump the police were told not to wear their uniforms. This does not apply to those providing safety but to those who want to attend the rally. The democratic mayor Jacob Frey said Trump is not welcome, perhaps forgetting that he represents all of the people of Minneapolis. Maybe this will set a precedent and there will be others not welcome in the future. It is mindful of some colleges that refuse to allow conservatives as guest speakers.

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