Saturday, September 14, 2019

Joe Biden

In my early career, I was a plant manager and there were times when I had to terminate an employee. I recall two people in particular because they both told me later that it was a good thing. Most people do not have enough self awareness to realize they are not suited for the job there in and it takes someone else to point this out. If your not performing well on your job you will be unhappy and if you are unhappy at work you will soon be unhappy period. I bring this up as I look at my favorite democratic candidate Joe Biden. Joe doesn't know it but he can no longer perform the job and some friend should tell him in a soft quiet way. Letting someone go is not easy but often times necessary. Maybe his wife will be the one. I was undecided as to who my next choice would be but that was before Senator Warren said she was going to give me and my wife $200 a month. I'm in.

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