Saturday, September 21, 2019

Feelings and facts

People ask, how did the country get so divided. There may be a number of answers but one part started many years ago when some felt the defense department was getting too much money and taking away from needed social programs. The military/industrial complex was making companies rich at the expense of the safety net. During the Viet Nam era this dislike for the military spread to the soldiers who were called baby killers when they returned home. More recently the animus toward the soldiers was transferred to the police and these together manifested in disrespect toward the flag and the national anthem. The dislike of people in authority soon became dislike for people who disagreed. Some Christians who believe homosexuality is a sin are considered to be not just wrong, not just intolerant but evil. Name calling has replaced conversation as feelings override facts. Falling into this kind of trap leads to an unhappy life but those in the grip of it are not aware of how it is effecting their daily life.

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