Saturday, March 7, 2020

Agreements between countries

It is said that those who don't know history tend to repeat past errors. This is particularly evident when dealing with tyrants. Hitler came to power in 1933 and for the next 6 years the world followed the policy of appeasement with most experts saying that they opposed war. After taking over the Saar Basin, Austria and Sudetenland, the British sent Chamberlain to Munich in September of 1938 to reach an agreement with Hitler. Hitler agreed if he was allowed to keep Sudetenland, the German speaking part of Czechoslovakia, he would not take any more territory and Chamberlain came home declaring that peace was at hand. Six months later Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia. In August 1939 Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin and in June of 1941 he launches a surprise war against Russia. Agreements made with dishonorable people are not worth the paper they are printed on and this should be kept in mind when making peace with the rebels in Afghanistan. The same is true with Iran and North Korea as well as trade arrangements with China.

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