Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Military power

The argument about spending money on the military or on social programs is ongoing and should be. In Econ 101 it is called guns or butter. In a free society this decision is ultimately made by the people. The United States with the most powerful military in the history of the world has broken the mold in that there is no attempt to use that power to expand territory. Throughout history the powerful have always overpowered the week. Going back to the Greeks and Alexander, the Romans and don't forget the sun never sets on the British empire. How would things be different if some other country had the US military under their control. Would Russian start to take over Europe. Would Iran destroy Israel and take control of the Mideast oil. Would Germany raise up another Hitler or Japan another Tojo. How about Kim Jong-un in North Korea. Would he want to take over the world.

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