Friday, March 6, 2020

Biden vote

On Morning Joe today, they were analyzing the democratic primary vote and decided that the candidates who are out underestimated the importance of the Black vote. If that is the case then Bernie is the next one out leaving Joe Biden as the winner. The surprise to many is that the field that started out with so much diversity, ends up with two old white guys battling it out. With the mantra of anybody but Trump, it doesn't matter what Biden's platform is or how he performs he will get the democratic vote. Biden is middle of the road on most issues planning to keep and improve Obamacare as opposed to Universal coverage. His going green is a slower approach stating zero carbon emissions by 2050. He opposes decriminalizing border crossings but does want a path to citizenship. He wants to raise corporate tax from 21 to 27 percent but is against a wealth tax. He offers two years of tuition free community college and not full college and not erasing student debt. While he has no direct cash give away programs his biggest weakness is no mention of jobs. After the more wild promises from other candidates many voters will have a sigh of relief if Biden is the nominee.

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