Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Center right country

The US is a center right country in 2019 with 37% conservative, 35% moderates and 24% liberal according to Gallup. Here is how Trump would be rated on policy from favorable to non favorable. Lowest unemployment for minorities and women, real income increases for middle income groups, Covid vaccine, Abraham accords, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, import taxes on China and Europe, First Step Act, built up the military, lower taxes, less regulation, trade agreements with Japan and South Korea, quieting North Korea, reforming the VA, allowing Vets to go to private hospital, replacing NAFTA, opportunity zones in the inner cities, getting NATO members to pay more, securing the border, putting sanctions on Iran, financial aid to Black colleges, making the US energy independent, not joining the TPP, dropping out of the Paris accords and residing the Iran nuke deal

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