Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Nuke power

Climate change has been seen as an environmental issue but evidence suggest there is a political agenda. The Greens suggest that the problem is severe to the point that the would as we know it will end a few years. These same people refuse to discuss thorium nuke plants which would solve the problem. The reasons they opposed nuke plants in the past is the fear of meltdown and the disposal of waste products. Thorium solves both of those problems as there can be no meltdown and they use waste products as fuel. The Greens ignore the environmental damage caused by the mining and disposal of rare earths and lithium. They seem not to understand that wind and solar need back up systems. They seem not to understand that jet engines run by the expanding gas from exploding fossil fuel. Even if the weight problem associated with batteries were overcome do they want to go back to spinning propellers. The US gets 20% of its power from nuclear and has been operating these plants for 60 years with one minor accident. The new thorium plants would be even safer. The sensible approach would be to use all sources of power. There is a place for wind and solar and that is on any fixed structure and next to power plants.

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