Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Full employment

The democrats, under the auspicious economic idea favored by Bernie Sanders called modern monetary theory, have decided to spend money for various projects. The theory says you can deficit spend as long as you have less than full employment without causing inflation. The full employment part is questionable because many people who could be working are not working because they can make more from unemployment benefits than they can make by working. This distorts the data and brings into question the use of the theory. If inflation results the theory will be discredited but it is not a fair test. Anyone earning less than $34,000 per year can make more money by not working and collecting unemployment compensation. This will continue until September with talk about extending it to the end of the year. When the federal government gets this involved in the economy the law of unintended consequences rears its ugly head. Currently 12 million Americans are receiving federal unemployment payments of $300 per week and the number of job vacancies soared to nearly 15 million by mid-March, but discouraged, hesitant and fearful job seekers means many positions are still unfilled, according to new data from online job site ZipRecruiter. If these people went to work the country would be at full employment.

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