Sunday, May 9, 2021

Skin color

The success of Asian Americans has long been used as an example that racism is not the problem with Black Americans. Asian Americans were able to overcome racism by life style which is called a myth by many. To the extent that all myths are rooted in truth, this model minority stereotype recognizes a real pattern of Asian upward mobility. A century ago, Asian Americans were known as laborers of the lowest wage. They were ditch diggers, launderers, miners. Yet over the decades, despite poverty, racial violence and widespread discrimination, many Asians managed to clamber up the socioeconomic ladder. One group says this is the result of keeping the family unit together combined with a strong emphasis on education. The other side represented by Brown University economist Nathaniel Hilger who reports that society simply became less racist toward Asians. If what Hilger says is true then the question arises are people prejudice against Blacks because of skin color or because of life style. If you stick with skin color you can excuse life style and this results in victims whose circumstances are beyond their control. It does not explain the millions of Blacks who have succeeded in becoming productive citizens. Do we judge people by their behavior or does their behavior influence our judgment. Are we prejudice against a whole group of people or just some within group. If the group are Black Americans does this mean that only some are Black or is it something other than skin color.

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