Sunday, May 30, 2021


One definition of a "cult" is a misplaced admiration for some person or thing. This term was applied to some Trump voters but for most it referred to his personality as opposed to his policies. In the same manner the word can be used to describe the new green deal. It refers to the hidden agenda of social change and not climate change. These people are well aware that planes cannot fly on batteries but but they close their eyes to this in order to promote the redistribution of wealth. It is their goal to take money from one group and give it to another group as they decide who gets what. It increases their power to determine the life styles of others. Any legitimate scientist will say that wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels yet this basic fact is not discussed in the press. It makes no sense to charge up your electric car with power generated in a coal fired power plant whereas it makes perfectly good sense to do the same with power from a nuclear plant. To move the entire production of electric power to thorium nuke plants would solve the problem of climate change but would do nothing to change the social structure including the who gets what.

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