Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Florida flu

Different states handled Covid in different ways. There are numerous articles trying to explain the difference especially between Florida and California. These two states represent the extremes in how things were handled. Most of the articles are looking for reasons why Florida did so much better. They don't like the simplicity of saying California locked down and Florida was open so they dig for details to find other reasons. It is even confounding that Florida has such a large elderly population but they look for things like humidity. One article states that droplets don't travel as far when it is humid. The latest info from the CDC confirms what people in Florida knew all along and that is the chance of spreading Covid outdoors was very small. The original report from CDC said the chances were less than 10% but new reports suggest less than one percent. Florida zeroed in on the elderly and that was the secret of their success. Who didn't know that the flu hits the elderly and the sick the hardest.

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