Wednesday, August 28, 2024


It is four plus years since the Hunter Biden laptop controversy began and using the benefit of hind sight it is time for a review. The laptop was turned over to the FBI in December 2019. The FBI “verified” the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in November 2019 and a federal computer expert assessed “it was not manipulated in any way,” IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley told Congress in explosive testimony released Thursday. During the following months the reports said that the laptop was Russian disinformation. The FBI went to various media outlets and warned them of a plot by Russia to promote stories that were not true and they should not be taken in by such stories. 51 former US intelligence leaders signed a pre election letter saying that the laptop had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation". Three weeks before the 2020 election the New York Post published a front page story that presented emails from the laptop, alleging they showed corruption by Joe Biden. The story was banned from social media. It wasn't until March of 2022 that, The New York Times reported in March 2022 that they found emails "from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop". Why did the FBI allow the disinformation story to persist when they knew it was not true? A controversy still remains as to whether the laptop showed any illegalities by President Biden but many feel the FBI should have killed the rumors that it was Russian disinformation.

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